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The Benefits of Private Tutoring- Part 2

A few more benefits of private tutoring:

Improves academic performance

Improves attitude toward learning and school

Helps overcome learning obstacles

Many students begin tutoring sessions with a specific content/skill area in mind.  As tutor and student work together regularly, a trusting relationship develops allowing the tutor to clearly see not only gaps in learning but also inefficient and/or lack of strategies for attacking assignments. Working one to one, we are able to observe the way each student works and discuss their approach to various tasks. In this way, we are able to offer strategies to help them not only understand concepts, but teach strategies specific to their personal style of learning. Often, parents and even the students themselves will ask if we are able to address other areas that may be short or long term obstacles for them. The trusting relationship between student and tutor allows the student to be open and honest about their work. As we established in Part 1, students are willing to ask questions and they begin asking beyond a specific assignment or even subject area. This openness often leads to overall improvement in academic performance because asking questions leads to deeper understanding and clears up misconceptions. With a clearer understanding of their own learning styles and more confidence, students’ attitudes toward learning and school become more positive. Confidence leads to a willingness and desire to put in the effort needed to succeed and academic performance improves. Students see they have the ability to understand concepts which were previously confusing. They learn about their learning styles and use specific strategies that help them work more accurately and eventually independently. Their confidence builds; developing a more positive attitude toward learning and school in general and a renewed interest in learning 

How long will it take to see improvement in attitude, performance and possibly overcome learning obstacles? Each student is unique, which is why we offer specialized instruction to each individual student. The time it takes to build confidence, generalize information to improve academic performance and feel positive about abilities will vary greatly among students, however, initial changes in attitude are often observed by tutor, parents, and students after only a few sessions. Although tutoring is work, most students demonstrate a desire to attend weekly sessions because they quickly begin reaping the benefits, seeing improved academic performance and feeling more positive towards school in general.


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