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Math Club
Get those gears turning before school begins!
  • Review and practice

  • Games and problem solving

  • Strategies and resources to take home

  • Reasoning and application

Math Club runs August 21 - 24 (Mon - Thurs)


Entering Grade 5             9:00am - 11:00am


Focus:  Fluency in 4 operations, factors and multiples, ordering fractions, and comparing decimal fractions




Entering Grade 6             12:00 - 2:00pm


Focus:  Fluency with fractions, ratios and proportional relationships, identifying patterns




Entering Grades 7 & 8     3:00pm - 5:00pm


Focus:  Operations with positive and negative numbers, solving equations, and order of operations




Cost: $250 including all materials


Payments can be made by check to Successful Solutions.  Cash and credit cards also accepted

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